Property protection
Property Protection is an area of financial planning that is often overlooked. Traditionally, we
have our buildings and contents insurance with our mortgage lenders, which may be
uncompetitive in a very competitive marketplace. It my also be the case that a property may
be underinsured, due to decoration, extension or the increase in house prices.

Contents Insurance
Contents Insurance covers your belongings within the home like clothes, furniture, curtains and kitchen appliances - everything you’d take with you if you moved to a new house. Having Contents insurance means you can rest assured that your possessions are protected from life’s unfortunate events, such as theft, fire, flood, loss or damage, it is not compulsory like building insurance, but it is essential if you want to protect your valuables.

Buildings Insurance
Building insurance is a compulsory part of any mortgage. Many UK homes are under-insured because their owners preferred to find what they think is the “best deal” on comparison websites. These policies may be leaving them with an insurance shortfall should the worst happen. Here at Protus we offer a free review and will explain all the parts of a building and contents insurance policy so you know where you stand.

Landlord Insurance
If you’re renting out your property, having the right insurance product to protect it is vital. If you are a Landlord, there are specific services that can offer you peace of mind. Landlords’ insurance is a specialist policy that covers the kind of eventualities a standard homeowner policy won’t. For example, insurance for a property which isn’t your main residence might typically cover things like malicious damage by a tenant. At Protus Financial Services, we’ll make sure you have exactly the right policy in place for your properties, whatever their role or purpose in your life