Protecting your mortgage

When taking out your new mortgage it is important that you consider other mortgage-related products such as life assurance, critical illness, and income protection. The state will not assist you with paying your mortgage interest payments if you are out of work due to accident, sickness, or unemployment during the first nine months if you qualify at all (the benefit is means-tested). It is therefore your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient protection to enable you to maintain your mortgage payments should your circumstances change.

At Protus Financial Services we not only advise you on the best mortgage options but also discuss
with you any potential shortfalls you may have in your existing cover, in the event of loss of income
due to accident and/or sickness, critical illness, or death during the term of your new mortgage. We
will provide you with a quotation and offer you advice to allow you to make an informed decision on
the best way to protect your new mortgage.